Jharkhand Factories (Amendment) Rules 2015

Labour, Employment, Training and Skill Development Department 
3 July, 2015 S.O.67 
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 112 of the Factories Act, 1948 the Governor of Jharkhand proposes to make the following amendment in the Jharkhand Factories Rules, 1950 :- 
(1) Short title extent and Commencement :- 
(i) These rules may be called the Jharkhand Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2015 
(ii) It shall extend to the whole State of Jharkhand. 
(iii)It shall come into force from the date of publication in official gazette.
(2) Substitution of Sub rule (1) of Rule (3) of the Jharkhand Factories Rules, 1950 The said Rule shall be substituted by the following- 
“(1) No site shall be used for the location of a factory or no building shall be constructed, re-constructed, extended or taken into use as a factory or a part of a factory unless an application in form no-1 along with the documents and plan as prescribed in sub-rule (2) has been submitted to- 
(a) The Dy. Chief Inspector of Factories of the area concerned for the factories proposing to employ workers not exceeding 50 or
(b) The Chief Inspector of Factories for the factories proposing to employ workers exceeding 50, and the plans submitted have been approved by the Dy. Chief Inspector of Factories or by the Chief Inspector of Factories as the case may be, and previous permission in writing in respect thereof has been obtained in the like manner as related here-to-fore, subject, however, to the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 6” (2) Substitution of Sub rule (2) of Rule (5) of the Jharkhand Factories Rules, 1950 The said Rule shall be substituted by the following- “(2) Every licence granted or renewed under this chapter shall remain valid or in force for a period of Five years up to the 31st December of the 5th year for which it is granted or renewed. 

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