ESI Scheme – Scheme For Promoting Registration Of Employers/Employees

  1. ESI Corporation has been taking several steps for enhancing the coverage of employees under the ESI Scheme.
  2. Rule 51 of the ESI [Central] Rules, has been amended and new Rule 51-B is inserted to the Rules to provide for payment of contribution in the areas where ESI Act is implemented for the first time. The new rule provides that in the newly implemented areas the rate of contribution by the employers will be 3% instead of 4% and in the case of employees, it is 1% in place of 1.75% and amended rules was circulated under KEA Circular No. 100/2016 dated 12.10.2016.
  3. ESI Corporation have laid down anotherScheme as a part of their drive to ensure the social security benefits is available to all eligible employees under the Act who have been kept out of the ESI coverage so far.
  4. The salient features of the Scheme are as under :
    1. The Scheme is open from 20.12.2016 up to 31.3.2017.
    2. The employers registering during the above period will be treated as covered from the date of registration or as declared by them.
    3. The newly registered employees shall be treated as covered from the date of their registration.
    4. The above will not have any bearing on action taken or required under the ESI Act prior to 20.12.2016
  5. The employees who are covered under the above Scheme may avail the benefit of the Scheme before 31.3.2017.
  6. The Scheme has been circulated by the ESI Corporation vide their internal circular dated 20.12.2016. A copy of the circular is enclosed for the information of the Members.


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