Bihar Minimum Wages Notification October 2016

The Government of Bihar through its notification dated 30th September 2016, has announced Variable Dearness Allowance & Minimum wages for different categories of employees employed in 69 scheduled employments, with effect from 1st October 2016

In exercise of the power conferred by section -3 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (XI of 1948), read with the clause (B) of sub-section( I ) of Section-5 of the said act, the Governor of Bihar is pleased to introduce the formula for Variable Dearness Allowance in the minimum rates of wages fixed/ revised for the different categories of employees employed in the scheduled employments mentioned in column-02 of schedule l(B) here to appended for the months shown in column-l of the said schedule shall be shown in column-04 of the schedule l(A) for the purpose of clause (d) of section -02 of the said Act.

These rates of Variable.Dearness Allowance will be based on the average of All India Consumer Price Index on which the minimum rates of wages has been fixed/revised in the above scheduled employments. There will be increase or decrease in rates of wages shown in column -4 with rise or fall as the case may be in aforesaid index of the above scheduled employments and will be deemed as Variable Dearness Allowance components . But even if the Index fall below the point on which minimum rates of wages have been fixed / revised, there will not be any reduction in the minimum wages fixed/revised. The payment of variable'Dearness Allowance on the basis of average index of January-June, 20l6 will be payable at the aforesaid rates from October. 2016 and thereafter increase or decrease in the amount of Variable Dearness Allowance will be based on the average of All India Consumer Price Index number for every six months and will be applicable after the expiry of three months after said period of six months.




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