The World Federation of Trade Unions WFTU 17 Conference

The 17th Conference of the World Federation of Trade Unions of South Africa in Durban on October 5 festivity started. 
One of the vice-president of the All India Hemalatha CITU and AITUC vice president of the All India Council of the heads of the 45, including one amarjitkavur conference is taking place under the guidance of their set.

Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions Tenappirikka 1500 representatives welcomed the conference participants. 
South Africa's president Jacob Suma addressed by the conference initiator. South African workers described the challenges facing globalization policies. Migration of workers to other countries and the developed countries of the conditions of this way of dealing with workers around the world in solidarity with the striking workers, workers sign up with one of the world - apart from the chains of slavery to lose and started the conference with the slogan.
WFTU General Secretary George mavarkos presented his report. He linked the country's labor unions, in particular the class of the operations conducted by the illustrious history of India praised the strikes. Vilakkinarate workers and peasants as the importance of the unity of all young women and young workers in the world will focus on mobilizing as appealing.
Interest alone on the issue of migrant tolilalrakal to pool under the union. From 7.8 million to 9.2 million during this period uruppinar figure rose to 18%.
112 countries, including 132 women delegates from trade unions and 340 delegates are attending the 1500.
Deputy General Secretary of WFTU Swadesh Tevray, Kehemalata, Arcinkaravelu, R.Sundaram pearl earcintu tipaktaskupta elamaramkarim, keketivakaran, esvaralatcumi, piencautiri, amitavakuha, tipannan Chakraborty, Giriraj Singh, S. Reddy Emesraja Ksrikumar , Nagan Sioux, Bhushan Patel, Abhimanyu WFTU India are attending the conference on behalf of the CITU.


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