EPFO puts on hold new PF withdrawal norms till April 30

NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others 

he EPFO subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end.

The EPFO subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end.

Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/51651337.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
tirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others

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NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others

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NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others

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NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others.

NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others.

The EPFO subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end.

In view of practical difficulties faced in implementation of the notifications, the new provisions will come into effect fro ..

NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others.

The EPFO subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end.

In view of practical difficulties faced in implementation of the notifications, the new provisions will come into effect fro ..

subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end.

In view of practical difficulties faced in implementation of the notifications, the new provisions will come into effect fro ..

NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others.

The EPFO subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end.

In view of practical difficulties faced in implementation of the notifications, the new provisions will come into effect fro ..

NEW DELHI: Retirement fund body EPFO today deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others.

The EPFO subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end.

In view of practical difficulties faced in implementation of the notifications, the new provisions will come into effect fro ..


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